Schnoodle Puppies Are Versatile Companions
Schnoodle Puppies are Active and Agile Playmates

First time in the snow.
I think this puppy loves it. Our puppies adapt to any lifestyle. They enjoy exploring and learning new things about their environments. This puppy discovered snow for the first time and had so much fun.

Happy Halloween
Schnoodles can learn to wear costumes. Lots of our babies have outfits to wear for various occasions. This devil costume is just too cute.

These two are best friends
We have lots of clients who take home one puppy and come back for another one as a companion. These two are so precious together.

Best friends
How lucky are these sweet babies? They get to hang out together.

Just hanging out
“Look what I have.” This cutie is enjoying a bone out of the toy bucket.

My first plane adventure
This Schnoodle enjoys going on plane rides. We have lots of our puppies
who are trained to be service dogs and they ride in the plane cabins with their owners. Schnoodles make excellent service dogs.

“Aren’t I cute”?
How cute is this little face, so photogenic.

Out on a hike.
This is a great way to go on a hike. This sweet baby gets to go all kinds of places including hiking with his owners.

Enjoying the lake.
Out enjoying the lake. Safety first though it’s important to have a life vest on while we are out on the lake.

Romping in my yard.
Nothing more fun than a good run around the yard.

My First Birthday
Oh boy look at this piece of cake, it looks so good. This sweet boy had a big Birthday celebration for his first Birthday.

My First Birthday
Happy Birthday. His face is so cute.